Sunday, October 26, 2008

Warning, Warning, Warning…this is not pre-term labor!

Round Liagment Pain, definition: sharp pain in the abdomen or hip area that is either on one side or both. Some women even report pain that extends into the groin area. Round ligament pain is considered a normal part of pregnancy as your body goes through many different changes.

I believe that pregnant woman should be warned on this type of pain before it happens and before they completely freak themselves out and their husband. Even though it only lasts for like a couple of seconds, it is very discomforting and downright scary; especially when these pains are sharp, sharp, and did I mention SHARP. They should create a book about all the NORMAL warnings of pregnancy (No Pain, no Gain, Poking and Prodding: the TRUTH). Maybe I will write one since I am just a domestic engineer, which I have to say isn’t my cup of tea. But then again, cleaning and I go together like pickles and ice cream…ha!

I think I am getting better though, however I was informed by my husband today that when I do laundry I need to fold the long sleeve shirts different than the short sleeve shirts. Surprisingly that didn’t bother me (he probably thought I was about to rip his head off but nope); actually I found it quite amusing. He did show me a better way to fold it too, which is also hilarious. Where does he learn this stuff from? I thought I was particular about things.

So to the people who know me well and are amazed that I did not lose my cool (I know I am kind of amazed too, usually I would have slammed a door, yelled at him or just thrown the shirt at him--maybe all three). My reasoning behind not losing my cool is first it was HILARIOUS and mainly he works his butt off every day to provide and pay the bills (including my student loans. I only have a 55 square meter condo that I have to keep clean and I don’t mind the whole laundry thing. It is wonderful to have a great husband (he definitely gets an A+ in the husband department, right now I am probably at a C- but that is okay I am pregnant). I am truly blessed to have an amazing hubbie:)


The Davis Family said...

"the girlfriend's guide to pregnancy" i will leave it at nana's the next time i head that way for when you are over hear. it will give you all the gory details. daniel loved it.

Anonymous said...

Chris learned somehow the "correct" way to fold a fitted sheet. Now, every time I wash the sheets, I get a demo on how to fold them properly. Strange what these boys pick up, isn't it?