Saturday, September 18, 2010


I want to know why the "wo" in front of man entitles me to the laundry person??? Troy is probably thinking that it is the same reason that I spend $54 dollars on shampoo and conditioner! Maybe I should take off the price tag on the shampoo and conditioner.

Oh sh*t...Did I just post that!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

And We're Back!!!

After a world wind summer and trying to manage being a full-time working lady + mommy...I am back. July was sort of a blur with illnesses and family visits. I will have to post pictures later from all of the visitor's that came and saw Jackson! Jackson has had a great summer so far and we can not believe it is September already. Jackson is growing rapidly and just weighed in at 33 lbs. He is tall enough now to turn the water faucets on in the bathroom! His favorite thing right now is a "car" and he will say hello and bye to just about everyone he sees. He is trying to say short sentences and talks constantly. He likes to take you by the hand and show you around constantly saying, "see, see, see"! He got his first haircut last wednesday and now he doesn't look like a baby anymore. He sadly looks like a little boy. He is growing up way to fast. Maybe I should have another one...