Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It's a Boy!!!

Baby Perkins is a BOY!!! At the start of the scan he was sucking on his thumb and taking a nap. However, once getting poked a few times he woke up real fast. The boy is fascinated with his fingers and hands. Might be the first sign he is going to take after his daddy!!! In one of the pictures you can actually see him sucking on his index finger. In the same picture you can see his heart. He was very active during the scan. He was kicking up a storm (probably because he was mad he was woken up) and then he decided to have a bite to eat. By the end of the scan he was tired again and starting sucking on his thumb again. Everything looked great and he is very healthy at the time being. So thank you for your prayers and keep them coming. The midwife told me that I should start feeling him very soon as he kicks with force and sure likes to push against my uterine wall.


Poks said...

Yeah!!!! Congratulations Betsy! Little boys are the best!

Betsy said...

I have been studying this picture and maybe he is sucking on his thumb.