Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Best Husband and this is why...

1. He woke up this morning and cleaned the bathroom.
2. Came home from work to take care of Jackson so that I could have a nice lunch with friends. (thanks Lauren and Tracy)
3. Cooked me pasta with mussels in a white wine sauce.
4. Cleaned the dishes while I played with Jackson
5. Made a strawberry syrup to put over my pound cake for my "Mommy and me" group.
6. After Jackson went to sleep we sat down to candle light and had a glass of wine! (Thanks Tracy for the wine!)

Now what makes him a keeper is he did all this with out asking. He just wanted me to relax! Did your husband do any of these things???


granny P said...

What a great husband!!! His mama should be proud!!!
You don't know how lucky you are.

Unknown said...

Sounds like your Dad to me

Betsy said...

Dad cleaning...come on mom!

Unknown said...

He did when you were little, just not the bathrooms!

granny P said...

Ahh, I get some help at home, but he never wears his glasses when he cleans, then I ask about not cleaning that and he states, "Oh, I must have not seen that" good line, he thinks that that line works. I'm not fooled at all.