Friday, January 16, 2009

Out of Commission for a while!!!

Well, I have officially moved into my new house and it is lovely. So nice to have a huge space to live in. We also have a beautiful view of the fjords (something inbetween a lake and an ocean). However, it is taking the norwegian cable company a while to get my internet and cable together. I just wanted to let my avid blog reader's know (all five of you...haha) that i am out of commission for the time being! In the meantime, I am taking Norwegian courses at the university. Interesing but fun!!! Also, I am impatiently awaiting the arrival of our son, Jackson Gregory. Only 9 more week but it seems like forever. Much Love to you all.


1 comment:

The McCormick's said...

Oh FUN! Can't wait to see the pics of the new home!

PS...I AM an avid reader ;)