Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Milestone Accomplished…but was it worth the pain!

Well, after a hard workout with my personal trainer—Troy—aka. Husband—I went into the locker room to get dressed and rinse off or should I say shower. Well my first couple of times I did not opt to take a shower because….it was a community shower. Needless to say I was not about to get in a shower with other “naked” girls. However, today I thought what the hell we all have the same body parts and whether I would like to believe it…I probably look a little better than my counterparts that were already in the shower. So I decided to DROP the towel and take a shower. So my first Norwegian milestone was to take a community shower. Check! Accomplished. You never know maybe the next milestone will be to walk around the locker room naked!!! (Probably not!)

P.S. My personal trainer told me that I would not be sore the next day. Well it’s the next day and what do you know…I can barely walk!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Betsy, that is so funny. I would have been the same way. Good for you to embrace the Norwegian way!!