Saturday, August 8, 2009

Marriage Confessions 101...

Let me set up the scene...

The husband has been gone for the entire month of July playing for the National Team...Go USA (must add he did a DAMN good job)!!! Thus, the desperate housewife has been a single mother for the entire month.

Husband: Why do you want to take a nap? Why are you so tired? (Of course he says this joking around)
Desperate Housewife: EXCUSE ME…Obviously you don’t value your life!
Husband: Obviously I don’t (laughing out loud).

Thus, the desperate housewife storms off pounding her feet into the stairs…plotting her revenge!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

This cracked me up! The life of a soccer wife with a baby is full of such joyous moments! haa haa.
Betsy, I'm a loser and have lost your email address and home address. Can you send me both again? Amanda Simpson