Thursday, April 9, 2009

Something to help keep my sanity!!!!

I am constantly asked health questions by family and friends so I have decided to create another blog where you can post questions and I can answer them (or you can email me your I truly enjoy researching and answering medical questions. I feel like it keeps me in the loop of current medicine and more importantly keeps my brain stimulated. I keep telling myself, I DID go to school and I DO have a great education, so why not put it to use. However, I am stuck in this country where they have a different language (why can’t we all speak English), where I am without work until I succumb to learning Norwegian (which I might add that I am taking my second course starting April 20th). Right now I am limited to baby talk, baby books, etc. The little burrito is taking over my brain cells and if they are not stimulated they might turn into noodles, if they haven’t already. I haven’t decided what to call my new blog so if you have any suggestions or any topics that you would like discussed…let me know!

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