Sunday, December 7, 2008

100 Things about Me

Thanks Mendi for giving me something else to do besides reading the endless laws regarding the pharmaceutical industry!!!
1. I met the love of my life in Tampa, FL.
2. I never thought I could love someone more than Troy until lil Jackson! I suppose it is a different kind of love.
3. My family is my everything
4. I am 25 weeks pregnant.
5. I tend to overreact a lot.
6. I tend to have select OCD.
7. I tend to get stressed out more than people think.
8. Anxiety should be my middle name.
9. Death is my ultimate fear.
10. I have been through 4 years of undergrad and 4 years of professional school.
11. I love the beach but not the salt water.
12. I like my friend Mendi love to read blogs, even if I don’t know the person.
13. I would love to go back to school to study religion or maybe something else medical.
14. Sometimes I wonder why I went to school for so long.
15. My son will be a Norwegian citizen.
16. I admire my husband’s work ethic.
17. All I have ever wanted in life is to be a mother, however (see 18).
18. I am now terrified of motherhood.
19. I love all animals, especially my Sydney.
20. I sometimes find myself rescuing insects from death. (I know weird)
21. I strive for perfection.
22. I always thought that failure wasn’t an option, and then I realized that failure is what makes you stronger, more determined, and more successful.
23. I am not a very good cleaner; however I am improving with age.
24. I am not a very good cook, ask my husband.
25. I love to bake.
26. I love cheese, all different kinds (except Norwegian brown cheese).
27. I hate white wine and love red wine.
28. My grandparents are my hero’s.
29. I believe that my grandparents are the most remarkable people and should have been on Barbara Walters Top 10 remarkable people of ALL TIME.
30. I have finally given in to my dark roots and decided to go natural instead of blonde.
31. I do not feel like I am a smart person.
32. I believe I could be a student for the rest of my life. I love learning.
33. I feel like I have so much more to give in my lifetime, I just need to find out what.
34. I am blessed with amazing friends.
35. I never thought I would live in another country, so far away from home and love it.
36. I am a dreamer.
37. I have selective hearing. (Just ask my mother or husband)
38. I hate violence.
39. I am an advocate of the American Heart Association.
40. I don’t understand why healthcare professionals smoke.
41. I have a shoe and purse fetish. However, it has become much better.
42. I have grown to realize that materialistic things are not important.
43. I believe in True Love.
44. I am a true believer that things happen for a reason.
45. I love to read crime thrillers.
46. I hate scary movies.
47. I cry more than people think. (even more now that I am pregnant)
48. I love my husband’s career, even though sometimes it takes him away from me for awhile.
49. I believe that home is where the heart is and that can be more than one place. (I know corny)
50. I went to Gulf Breeze High School on Gulf Breeze Pkwy in Gulf Breeze FL.
51. I hate cancer.
52. I do not like confrontation and fighting.
53. I do not like to go to bed angry.
54. I am a very individual person.
55. I love alone time.
56. I love dates with my husband.
57. I rather stay in than go out.
58. I love rainy days.
59. I love the smell of lemon Lysol.
60. I love hand sanitizer.
61. I tend to start things and not finish most of them. (Working on this one…)
62. I want to run a ½ marathon before I die.
63. I have realized that I hate driving.
64. I tend to let anger build up until I snap at someone I love, most of the time being my husband. (working on this one too)
65. I don’t like to share my emotions, I rather hide them.
66. I am not a cuddlier or hugger.
67. I am not Buddha and don’t like to be rubbed by complete strangers. (don’t understand why strangers like to pat pregnant women who they don’t know)
68. I don’t like mean people.
69. Birth scares the living shit out of me, especially since I watched live birth on TV.
70. I had to stop reading pregnancy books because they started to make me worry endlessly.
71. I do not care if my husband stands outside during birth as long as he comes in right after. (I wouldn’t want to watch it either)
72. I have cool parents that I love hanging out with.
73. I love the fact that I am giving my parents a grandson!!!
74. I love family reunions.
75. I give props to Meghan and Bess for doing a residency.
76. I think infectious diseases scare me more than war.
77. I hate decorating. Not an interest of mine! I am not a homemaker. (might have to learn though…baby steps)
78. I love orchids. (maybe because it is the first plant I have kept alive for longer than six months)
79. I have no clue what to do with a baby, however I will be learning real quick.
80. I love the fact that I will be able to stay at home the first year of my son’s life.
81. I love the fact that I get to experience my husband’s success.
82. I love my labeling machine.
83. I love my grandmother’s homemade jelly and vegetables from the farm.
84. I do believe that organic milk tastes better.
85. I am going to make all of my son’s baby food.
86. I tend to second guess myself a lot.
87. My husband makes me stronger.
88. I let my dog sleep in the bed with me.
89. I like to stare at my stomach and watch it move (I suppose it is a pregnant thing)
90. I have a compassionate heart towards mentally handicap people. My sister has taught me patience and has shown me how to love abundantly.
91. I grew up thinking my brother was the coolest person on the planet, I guess I still do.
92. I love to be pampered.
93. I do not have a problem admitting that I am high maintenance. (Yes my husband knew that before he married me)
94. I love diamonds and pearls, but definitely can live without them.
95. I polevaulted my way through college.
96. I hope I am always there for my child like my parents were for me.
97. I have no tolerance for drinking and driving.
98. I would love to learn how to ballroom dance.
99. I wear the same jewelry every day.
100. I am a true believer in faith and God.


Anonymous said...

Well, did I just learn alot about my daughter-in-law. What a special person she is. No one could have made our son happier. Bless you!!!

The McCormick's said...

Oh I love it! It is hard to do, but it's so fun! I like to go back and read mine....1) it shows me my "mood" the day I did it and 2) I feel almost like I learn more about myself each time I read it :) Weird, I know. Maybe it's the alien inside me talking ;)