Thursday, February 19, 2009


Had my 35 week check up this week and Jackson is growing big and strong (see pics below). The doctor is even convinced that my due date is wrong and that Jackson looks like he will be coming sooner than later (Mid March---however we will see about that one…only God really knows the answer to that question). So with that in mind, I have been advised that I should have my bag packed and ready to go. So now it is decision time, what will Jackson be wearing home from the hospital??? That is a fun question to ponder, however on the other hand WHAT THE HELL WILL I BE WEARING? I am anti-maternity clothes and only bought the bare minimum and as I get bigger I venture more and more into my husband’s closet because I refuse to purchase anymore hideous attire (Let me tell you I am look really good in his clothes too..HAH!). So I have been looking for a new robe, night gown, and PJs to wear in the hospital since I will be staying in the maternity hotel for 4 nights after birth (I know it is exciting not to be shoved out the door within 24-48 hours). As I look through the slim section, I have decided it would be in my best interest to venture out and look at the nursing night gowns instead of the Victoria Secret Online Catalog (bummer). Well let me say I am now not excited!!! Nursing tops and attire are just as bad as maternity attire. I thought I was about to cross the golden line into cuteness and sexiness…WRONG!!! That shot the shit out of my excitement. However, my current thought is…POOR TROY. So do I give into the nursing attire or say the hell with it and get back to my normal clothes as soon as possible. Do I need the simplicity of nursing tops with a newborn or do I need the cuteness of my old wardrobe?


Anonymous said...

All depends on just what you want to bear in public and how much you are going to be out. If you plan on staying home for a while, then go sexy again, otherwise get you some easy access tops. (Of course this is just my opinion, haha!!!!)

Anonymous said...

Your Mom says: Cuteness and style in a New Wardrobe. Easy access is the key and that should not be a problem with current styles. Then throw a blanket over you!