Well it is time to get the bag ready to go to the hospital. I was suppose to have this done a week ago but this is a hard decision. I thought picking out clothes in high school was tough…well it is nothing comparable to what Jackson will be wearing his first 5 days into this world and on his first trip home. This little boy will be the best dressed baby in Norway, thanks to Granny P and Gram. However, what will he wear home and heaven forbid it not match (thus booties, caps, burping rags, pacifiers, blankets, etc all have to match). After much debate and time spent in the nursery here are the finalists. Now keep in mind these are only for the trip home. I have already decided that sleepers will be the way to go in the hospital so I have already packed those. So now it is time for you to vote…Light blue or Dinosaurs.
Side Note: Also for those of you who think I am a horrible mother already and think those are not warm enough for Iceland…I mean Norway, don’t worry he has a super cute snow suit that he will be wearing as well as a long sleeve onsie underneath “the outfit”. Troy will also have the car warm for my little man too. It is only a 20 foot walk from the door to the car.
Furthermore, I think I might have to pack a suitcase for my trip to the hospital. Because not only will the little one be looking good, so will I. I refuse to be one of those mothers who during the most important photo shoot of their life, has no makeup on. However, that might change during the course of labor and delivery, and heaven forbid I go into labor at night after I have taken my evening shower. But starting March 7th (don’t know why I picked that date), I will wake up every morning and paint my face and do my hair.