They say that pregnancy is SUPPOSE to be glamorous. You are SUPPOSE to have this pregnancy glow, your hair is SUPPOSE to be shinier, your complextion is SUPPOSE to be ravishing, and you are just SUPPOSE to have this great aura around yourself. Well…I can’t wait for this to happen. I am nowhere near any of that. I am not so glamorous (I feel uglier than prettier), I do not have a glow (more like a pale complexion), my hair is a mix between tangles and frizziness (way out of control), my complexion is more of zits and dark circles under my eyes, and I really don’t feel like my aura is shining or broadcasting anything. I spend most of my day contemplating whether or not I am going to be a good mother (know this is normal) and whether or not my baby is going to be healthy (also know this is normal). I know these feeling are all natural. I guess motherhood comes to you naturally, especially in regards to how many baths you give a baby a week or day(woke up panicking about this one after a weird dream), what each cry means etc, etc, etc. They also have great books for the technical things. On the other hand there are some benefits of pregnancy:
1.Never being alone and always having someone to talk too that won’t
tell you to be quiet--Ha!
2.Bigger Breasts (Yes I am almost 34D now)
3.No obsessing over gained weight
4.Maternity Clothes (yes not so fashionable but oh so comfortable)
5.Great Nails!!!
6.The shopping for little clothes, shoes, and toys for the little one
7.And best of them all THE BABY!!!
Yes, the baby makes everything worth it. Knowing that you are growing a human being in your belly is one of the most amazing, incredible experiences that any woman would be blessed to go through. So if asked would I do it all over again…ABSOLUTELY!
Philippians 4:6-7
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.").
So excited for you Betsy! After Riley was born, I bought "What to Expect the First Year." It's been a good guide for all of the basic questions (babycenter.com is great too). I still have questions, but it's kind of fun figuring everything out. Can't wait to find out what you're having! (By the way, if you're going to breastfeed, they are only going to get bigger! Bravado designs makes great nursing bras - I got that tip from Shannon Becker.)
I'm so glad you wrote this! I feel the exact same way! And my hair is freaking out, too!
Whew! I feel normal now...
This is my favorite Bible verse. Just keep reading it and you'll be okay. I'm so excited for the two of you. I know you'll be a great MOM and I can see your glow all the way in Kansas.
Love you bunches, Kay
Oh those boobs...I feel your pain! I'm ready to feel like a "cute prego girl"! Hopefully it happens SOON :)
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