Jackson has started daycare and even though it breaks my heart, he is adjusting very well. They do have to pry him off of me every morning but when I call to check on him he is fine (Oh and I only call 1x per day now instead of 3-4x, i think the teachers think I am crazy). The teachers told me he only cries for about 5 minutes and then is content. He likes to observe the other children before playing with them, but by the time I pick him up he doesn’t want to leave...which makes me feel great. But now when I pick him up he gives me this wonderful smile and then goes right back to doing what he was doing (whether it be throwing his snack like his friends or playing with toys). OH and I didn’t break down when dropping him off...instead I almost broke down when he didn’t want to leave with me.
We also had our first year check up and he is one healthy baby boy! He weighed 25 lbs and was 30 inches long. He didn’t care for his vaccines or the nurse (sorry to the nurse whom he hit and kicked) but he was fine about 15 minutes after his screaming fit. But then again I might have had a fit after being tortured by the doctor and having 4 shots (at least he thought it was torture). He is getting 4 top teeth in right now and two bottom molars. He doesn’t seem to be too affected by it but we will see as time goes on...
He is an official army crawler and pulling up on everything. I now regret saying oh how I wish he would crawl, walk, etc. I miss when he would just sit and stay!!! He also likes to throw things and will throw just about everything...even if it is food. We are trying to learn manners but you know he is a BOY!!!