I want to know why the "wo" in front of man entitles me to the laundry person??? Troy is probably thinking that it is the same reason that I spend $54 dollars on shampoo and conditioner! Maybe I should take off the price tag on the shampoo and conditioner.
Oh sh*t...Did I just post that!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
And We're Back!!!
After a world wind summer and trying to manage being a full-time working lady + mommy...I am back. July was sort of a blur with illnesses and family visits. I will have to post pictures later from all of the visitor's that came and saw Jackson! Jackson has had a great summer so far and we can not believe it is September already. Jackson is growing rapidly and just weighed in at 33 lbs. He is tall enough now to turn the water faucets on in the bathroom! His favorite thing right now is a "car" and he will say hello and bye to just about everyone he sees. He is trying to say short sentences and talks constantly. He likes to take you by the hand and show you around constantly saying, "see, see, see"! He got his first haircut last wednesday and now he doesn't look like a baby anymore. He sadly looks like a little boy. He is growing up way to fast. Maybe I should have another one...
Monday, June 7, 2010
On the move...

We are currently getting the final touches to our new home ready for our BIG MOVE!!! At least this time we will be only going 20 miles up the road instead of half way around the world. We haven't set a date for the move yet but will let everyone know as soon as we make a decision. More Big News later...
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
1st Boat Adventure...
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Happy 1st Birthday!!!
Sweetness is finally 1 year old! Oh how time flew by this year! It seems like yesterday I was sitting in labor and delivery anxiously awaiting his arrival. Not to mention the 4 feet of snow outside and the fact I was in Oslo, Norway. This past year has been a whirlwind and now I am happy to saw we are beginning a new chapter or our lives here in Northern Virginia. I look forward to taking Jacskon to the National Zoo and touring the National Mall during my favorite time of year...when the Cherry Blossom’s are in full bloom.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
School and 1 Year Check Up...

Jackson has started daycare and even though it breaks my heart, he is adjusting very well. They do have to pry him off of me every morning but when I call to check on him he is fine (Oh and I only call 1x per day now instead of 3-4x, i think the teachers think I am crazy). The teachers told me he only cries for about 5 minutes and then is content. He likes to observe the other children before playing with them, but by the time I pick him up he doesn’t want to leave...which makes me feel great. But now when I pick him up he gives me this wonderful smile and then goes right back to doing what he was doing (whether it be throwing his snack like his friends or playing with toys). OH and I didn’t break down when dropping him off...instead I almost broke down when he didn’t want to leave with me.
We also had our first year check up and he is one healthy baby boy! He weighed 25 lbs and was 30 inches long. He didn’t care for his vaccines or the nurse (sorry to the nurse whom he hit and kicked) but he was fine about 15 minutes after his screaming fit. But then again I might have had a fit after being tortured by the doctor and having 4 shots (at least he thought it was torture). He is getting 4 top teeth in right now and two bottom molars. He doesn’t seem to be too affected by it but we will see as time goes on...
He is an official army crawler and pulling up on everything. I now regret saying oh how I wish he would crawl, walk, etc. I miss when he would just sit and stay!!! He also likes to throw things and will throw just about everything...even if it is food. We are trying to learn manners but you know he is a BOY!!!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
50 things about Jackson you might not know...

He loves anything you are eating
His red ball is his favorite toy (he knows how to kick it too)
He has mommy separation anxiety (at least his teachers are willing to work with him on this issue)
He only likes to be held when he wants something or is sleepy.
He rather walk everywhere holding on to someone than be carried.
He really doesn’t like his high chair.
His first word was Mama, then Papa, then Apple!
He now says “up” constantly because he wants to stand and walk around (even though he is too unstable to walk by himself).
His first fruit was bananas, first vegetable carrots, first meat chicken.
He loves bath time as you can see in the picture.
He is learning to be devious.
He only has two teeth but chews like he has eight.
He refuses to crawl because it is too exhausting not because he doesn’t know how.
He is learning to share his toys and food.
He rather have milk than juice.
He loves to clap and give high five.
He loves to wave hi or by at strangers then turn his head when they wave back because he is shy.
He is fascinated by snow.
He likes to see how things work
He is very intuitive.
He start day care on Monday.
He turns 1 in two weeks.
He loves, loves, loves looking at the window and then licking it.
He can do a lot more things than he is willing to admit.
He got his father wrapped around his short, chubby finger.
He is loved by many people across the world!!!
He still has crystal blue eyes that melt all the ladies hearts.
He loves carrying on conversation with his stuff animals.
He rather play with kitchen utensils.
He loves dogs.
His favorite song is the Hot dog song on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Old McDonald!
His mother took the batteries out of one of his toys because he figured out how to push the music button over and over.
He now tries to mimic small things you do like nodding yes or no, sticking out your tongue, and peek a boo.
He likes to throw things.
He prefers his father over his mother when he is home except when it is bedtime.
He has only been sick twice. Hope the carrier monkeys at day care don’t get him.
He allows his mother to drink her cup of mommy juice, I mean coffee, in the morning as he talks to the birds outside the window or whatever might be out there (last approximately 15 minutes before we are over it, but happens every morning)
Can say nei nei nei (no no no in norwegian)
He is fascinated with drinking straws.
The boy loves music (any kind)!
He is most talkative after he eats.
He still takes 2-3 naps a day.
His hair is curly when wet but straight as straw when dry.
He looks more and more like Troy everyday.
He weighs close to 30 pounds.
He points to where he wants to go and what he wants...ALL THE TIME!
He loves American Idol.
He will let anyone hold him as long as his mommy is not around.
When put into a room full of children or people, he will observe them for several minutes before attempting any contact or socialization.
His laughter is the best thing!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Farewell Norway...Hello DC!!!

First let me apologize for not keeping up with my blog!!! Things have been hectic. Troy and I are moving back to the states. Troy will play for DC United again! We are both very sad to leave our friends in Norway, however we are very please to be coming back to the states. It is a great opportunity for Troy and Jackson will now get to live closer to all his family. I will be joining the working force, so right now I am currently looking for a solid, educational daycare. Decisions, decisions, decisions... Oh the things you do to make sure you child has the best!!! I suppose this is the first of many.
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