Wednesday, May 27, 2009

We're Back...

Made it back safely after a great trip to FL and GA. Jackson and I are both exhausted and are resting for the reminder of the day. Now if I could only get him to rest with his eyes closed and in his own bed. We were both glad to see Troy! Here are some great pictures of our growing little boy. He surely is the apple of our eyes. More pics to come from Kristin's wedding, Alex's graduation, and fun at the bayou. Thanks to all family and friends that travelled to meet our little boy.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Silly boy...

We went to the Embassy to pick up passports today and it was a little chilly outside so I put a hat on Baby Jack. Then we went to VallHall, Troy's training facility, to meet up with Papa.

Mommie (as Papa walks in): There's papa!
Papa: Jackson has your mother lost her DAMN mind.
Jackson: Smile!

Big Belly!!!