Saturday, September 27, 2008
Valerenga Advances to the Cup Finale on Nov 9!!! They also qualified for UEFA Cup 2009!!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
First Trimester...Offically Over!!!

The first trimester is offically over! Now I hope to regain energy, start eating more, and grow a belly. I guess this is the only time in life where your husband is a cheerleader of the gaining weight side. Next goal, finding out sex of the jellybean. Oct 21st Troy, Jellybean and I have our 3-D ultrasound to find out sex. We are super excited. We hope all is well with family and friends.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
First Picture of Baby Perkins
Well, first let me say that everything with both Baby Perkins and I are fine. But Baby Perkins thought it would be funny to scare both mommy and daddy. Had a doctor's appointment with my new doctor (who is great) and when they were doing the examination everything was going fine until they couldn't hear a heartbeat. Then I remembered what day it is…may God Bless America (say a prayer for the families and friend of the 9/11 victims). Well, Dr. Henrik called his good friend and got me an ultrasound appointment to make sure that everything is okay. (Just to let you know how great of a doctor he was, he knew I was upset and didn’t want me taking the T-bane or tram so if offered to get me a cab and pay for it, however I told him that walking would do me some good). So I called Troy and he met me at the gyno’s office. We both waited very nervously for the ultrasound. Baby Perkins was just hiding. So finally we got to see our little one and also got to see that his/her heart was beating just fine. They determined that I was in my 12 or 13 week (no change there). Still could not see if it was a boy or girl, but he/she was sure kicking up a storm and then even waved at us. I will have to say that it was one of the greatest experiences of my life!!! We also saw the nose, stomach and bladder. The doctor said that everything look great!!! So first milestone accomplished…the first picture of our little one!!!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Dinner Party
Well I have now heard Norwegian rap, country, hip-hop, and blues music. Even though I didn’t understand half of what they were singing it was still amusing. It was a couple of guys who make fun of other artists and at the same time they do a comedy act. They did make up a song about Martin (the head trainer/captain) and Troy. They did try to make the parts about Troy in English. Players and staff were asked to shout out three things about Troy and this is what they shouted out: 1) soon to be daddy, 2) from Ohio, and 3) big balls (meaning he doesn’t have a problem saying what he thinks, however the comedians didn’t seem to get that meaning, of course they thought of something else:) So first they proceeded to sing in Norwegian and got to the point where we were having a “little Norwegian” because Troy was “soon to be a daddy.” Second, they sang about how Troy wishes he wasn’t here (at the dinner party) but rather be in Ohio so that he could understand everything that was being said. Finally, they went on to sing how they were going to call the tabloids because Troy had “big balls!” Totally took that phrase out of context, but it was quite hilarious. Then they did some more stuff, however we didn’t understand most of it. Then they had a game where we answered questions. Of course, since they had picked on Troy, they wanted to pick on me as well. However, they gave me an easy question (Who is the best team in Norway?) and I won Troy and nice down vest. I wanted to say Lillestrom (there biggest rivals) to get a rise out of them like they were Troy and I, but I wanted my baby to make it into this world. Needless to say we had a good time.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Baby Update

Troy and I finally got approved for the hospital that we will go to when the little one comes. Yes, in Norway we have to fill out paperwork and choose three hospitals that we would like to deliver the baby and then we have to get approved. You might not even get your top choice depending on availability. Funny how things work over here. I wonder how they tell when a baby is going to come when 1) you don't have a set due date and 2) doesn't the baby come when he/she (really God) wants too!!! The hospital is UllevÄl Hospital. It is actually the biggest hospital in Norway and one of the best. We are very lucky to have gotten this hospital.
The hospital also has a hotel attached that mother stays at for a few days after delivery. The hotel cost is covered for the mother, baby and next of kin. It is called the Post-Natal Department at the hotel.
We also got our ultrasound date, October 21st. Not only will we see the baby for the first time but we will also be able to tell if it is a girl or boy; so it will a big day for us. I just wish it was closer to the date!!! Starting to feel much better, however I still have my moments.
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