Troy recently signed a new contract with Valerenga Fotball, in Oslo Norway. Troy is already over there and I will be meeting up with him in May. I finally graduate from my Doctor of Pharmacy Program on May 6th at 1000am. We will keep you posted on new events. We will miss everybody here in the United States, especially our families and our dearest friends. To my girls (Kristin, MegMo, Shelbel, Bess, Jennifer, and Jeanna, and not to forget Kristina and Bente), thank you for such wonderful times: I couldn't have gotten through the past four years without you.
Kristin, my sister, I couldn't have gotten through the last 12 years of my life without you by my side, you will always been my sister no matter where I am, that bond will never go unbroken. You have been there from day one and continue to be there no matter when and where. I love you, like the compassion I have for a sister.
Sister's are forever, and always.Sister's can be something to bring a smile when you need it the most.A sister, you can almost always love the most.A sister is what I have in you, for you are someone who hangs by my side every day.
A sister is someone like you whom I treasure everyday in my heart.
~unknown, however I changed it up a little bit~A true friend is one soul in two bodies. ~
Meghan, I know that we have been through some great times and some awful times in the past four years, but no matter what happened, you came up on top and taught me so much strength and determination. You have taught me so much about love and strength, and you will forever be my best friend. No matter where I am I know that you will always shine and I know that you will always be my “side kick”. Always Remember I love you MORE….
“This is one of the most important choices we have to make in all our lives, choosing our friends; while sometimes our friends choose us. It is true that there are no coincidences in this world. Certain people come into your life, at a certain time, for a certain purpose. Friends come into our lives to enrich this experience called life. They make life worth living, they add color and meaning to our existence.” ~unknown~
"A person is only complete when she has a true friend to understand her, to share all her passions and sorrows with, and to stand by her throughout her life."
Shelly you have taught me so much about personal perseverance. I am going to miss my “sea otter.” I believe that we became so much closer this past June. It was wonderful to be able to share that experience with you. When ever I think of a quote that best describes our friendship, this one always comes into my mind. I love you.
"When you're in jail, a good friend will be trying to bail you out. A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying, 'Damn, that was fun.'" ~Unknown~
"A good friend is hard to find, hard to lose, and impossible to forget..." - Sent by Joanne
Bess you never ceased to make me laugh. I will never forget you “Bess the Schwinn Flynn.” You have been there for me whether it be a dislocated shoulder or someone just to spend the night.
I find friendship to be like wine, raw when new, ripened with age, the true old man's milk and restorative cordial." - Thomas Jefferson
Jenn you have been a wonderful roommate and a wonderful friend, always there to take care of me. I used to hate to give hugs, but you have taught me that it is one of the most precicous gifts a friend can give you in hard or exciting time.
"A hug is worth a thousand words. A friend is worth more."~unknown~
Jeanna we have also experienced wonderful times together, especially during our first three years of school, memories that will never be forgotten.
"A Friend is someone who knows all about you and loves you anyway!!!" ~unknown~
Kristina and Bente, don’t you think I would leave you out. We shared so many memories together throughout our years at USF. You two are my dearest friends and no matter where I am, it is like we never left one another when we get back together. You are my lady sister’s from USF and that will always be the same. Kristina you will always be my roommate and Bente you will be forever my “General.” I love you both so dearly.
“One can very confidently say that he who has found a best friend in life has found the rarest treasure in this world. Well says an anonymous poet- "Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you say. Best friends listen to what you don't say."
"It's the friends you can call up at 4am that matter." - Marlene Dietrick
Wow, all the memories I have shared with you ladies have been wonderful. All of you have been there for me to offer a shoulder to cry on during my most difficult times, you truly are my second husbands. I am going to miss you all very much and know that our friendships are going to last forever. Our friendship is something that will never be broken. You guys truly are a blessing and will never be forgotten. You all better come and see me.
However, even though I am sad to leave each one of you ladies, I am so ecstatic to be able to start a family with my loving husband, who is so dear to my heart. He means the world to me as each of you knows. It has been a long four years apart from one another and I look forward to May, when we will actually will get to live as husband and wife; something that we both have yearned for, for many years.